Saturday, 15 June 2013

Homemade 'Kings Ginger' - ginger liqueur

Kings Ginger is a sweet, fiery and bloody delicious liqueur created for some 'British' king or another to keep him warm when shooting, hunting, riding, etc. It certainly works while doing the first one so well done YRH. Danke. 

KG probably has some smoother edges than the homemade version but isn't widely available, used to be just Berry Bros on St James but seems to be getting more widespread.

Having wondered how to make a homemade version I was given a glass of something that seemed similar by Willie Yeo who runs a shoot in Devon. This is a man whose (haunted) cellar is chockablock with homemade booze ranging from this winner to some more obscure concoctions such as banana wine and beech sap wine, which make glorious flames when thrown on the fire!

His simple recipe is this:

1 x 75cl bottle of bog standard whisky
1 x jar stem ginger in syrup (350g jar)

An empty sterile bottle larger than the above! (Either get a 1l bottle of whisky and drink/reserve a quarter or completely drain a litre of something else!)

Sober up and then simply combine the 2 ingredients, chopping up the ginger a bit so firstly it fits in the bottle and secondly gives up its flavour quicker in to the booze.

Leave for a few days or months. The syrup immediately sweetens and flavours the whisky so doesn't need to steep for months on end. When finished just pour more whisky on top of the remaining ginger and add another jar. Or take out some steeped ginger for cooking, ice cream, etc, etc.

Cheers Willie

1 comment:

  1. I was given a cheap 1.5ltr bottle of Tesco's own brand whisky a few weeks ago and tried this.
    Amazing taste and certainly worth doing again.
